Software News

Advanced Easy Editor Goes Bare Bones, Then Breaks Out the Sandpaper
April 25, 2012
Sometimes too much of a good thing in free software can create bad impressions. For instance, some of the free stuff so easily available in Linux distro package managers is so archaic that newcomers to the OS might understandably shriek in horror. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely am a big fan of FOSS applications.
Schlepping Files Got You Down? Enter the DragonDrop
April 23, 2012
I'm a highly visual guy, and while there are all sorts of ways to work with files on my Mac, I still love cluttering up my desktop with folders, links, documents and photos. I treat my desktop like a table surface, and I have elaborate stacks and sections of folders and files.

Linus, Linux and the Millennium Technology Prize
April 23, 2012
It doesn't happen often here in the Linux blogosphere that FOSS fans agree unanimously on -- well, on pretty much anything. Truth be told, there's generally good reason for the dissension. Take Microsoft's latest maneuvers, for example -- are they good news? Bad news? It's not always easy to tell. Last week, however, one of those rare announcements was made that brought universal joy to Linux aficionados around the globe.
Larry vs. Larry
April 21, 2012
A San Francisco courtroom is presently the center ring in the worldwide tech IP litigation circus. While other legal battles over mobile device patents and copyrights are as down and dirty as ever in places like Germany, Australia, and elsewhere in the U.S., the fight between Oracle and Google over the alleged theft of Java technologies stands out due to its cast of characters.
Windows Puts Microsoft 2 Steps Ahead, Xbox 1 Step Behind
April 20, 2012
Microsoft reported higher than expected earnings Thursday, with Windows 7 license sales up despite the company's plan to release a new version of its desktop operating system later this year. The company's PC division gained 4 percent from a year ago, earning $4.6 billion in revenue. The gain was in part thanks to an uptick in businesses buying Windows 7 licenses, Microsoft said.
Microsoft Open Technologies: Same Old, Same Old?
April 19, 2012
Well the shock had barely worn off from the recent news that Microsoft is among the Linux kernel's biggest contributors when another mind-bending announcement was made on a closely related theme. The development this time? None other than Microsoft's declaration last week that it was creating a wholly owned subsidiary devoted to forging closer ties with the open source community. Is it a dream? A nightmare?

Windows Phone Growing Pains Cause Update Headache
April 18, 2012
Will Microsoft let owners of smartphones running Windows Phone 7.5, nicknamed "Mango," upgrade to WinPho 8, also known as "Apollo?" At this point, the answer appears very unclear. Controversy erupted when Nuno Silva, described as a Microsoft evangelist, said that all current smartphones running Windows Phone 7 will get the upgrade to WinPho 8.
Xournal Makes Short Work Out of Longhand
April 18, 2012
Regardless of how good they are, some Linux applications have very little appeal to all but users with specialized needs. That is not the case with Xournal. Even if you do not use a tablet for inputing notes, this app still lets you create with style. If you are looking for a very handy note-taking application, check out Xournal.

Oracle, Google Fisticuffs Begin in Earnest
April 16, 2012
While it won't likely go down as the "trial of the century," the legal showdown between Oracle and Google that began in San Francisco federal court on Monday could still be quite significant. The case has already been characterized as "the World Series of IP cases" by U.S. District Judge William Alsup, who is presiding over the trial.
Burning Rubber on the Road to Virtualization
April 16, 2012
High-performance motorcycle designer and manufacturer Ducati Motor Holding has greatly expanded its use of virtualization and is speeding toward increased private cloud architectures. With a server virtualization rate approaching 100 percent, Ducati has embraced virtualization rapidly in just the past few years, with resulting benefits of application flexibility and reduced capital costs.

Cars and FOSS: Sweet Ride, or Crash in the Making?
April 16, 2012
With the frequent focus on mobile machinations and desktop deliberations here in the Linux blogosphere, it would be easy to assume that all else in the FOSS fiefdom is relatively conflict-free. Easy, perhaps -- but dead wrong, nonetheless. Case in point: cars. There's a growing movement to apply the open source model to the design and manufacturing of electric cars.
Who Cares About Software Freedom?
April 12, 2012
Well it's been a disconcerting kind of week here in the Linux blogosphere, not least because of all the darn construction going on down at the Google+ Grill. First it was the hammering giving Linux Girl a headache. Then, on Wednesday, she walked in after lunch and could barely recognize the place. What is this interface sorcery, she wants to know?

Tweaks to Chrome OS Stir Up Existential Questions
April 11, 2012
A new version of Google's personal computer operating system, Chrome OS, was released for developers Tuesday. It adds design elements of more conventional offerings like Windows and OS X. The new Aura interface includes a home screen with a task bar, or shelf, from which you can launch applications.
qOrganizer Squares Away Everything but Its Own Interface
April 11, 2012
One of my biggest problems in managing appointments, to-do tasks, notes and reminders is that I work on a variety of desktop and laptop computers in multiple locations. To bridge the access gaps, I rely on a tablet computer and a smartphone tapped into cloud storage.

Thin Clients Alive and Kicking
April 10, 2012
In the years since thin client computing arrived on the IT scene, it has been pronounced dead, only to arise again more often than Jason in the "Friday the 13th" film franchise. That's not due to any quality of its underlying architecture. In fact, thin client engineering is often elegant in the extreme and makes clever use of au courant mainstream technologies. What does this have to do with Dell's recently proposed acquisition of Wyse?
Canonical's Quest for Greatness
April 10, 2012
Canonical, the commercial developer of the Ubuntu Linux operating system, seems at times to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. Some testers and industry watchers alike have praised the company's innovative Unity desktop shell and the Heads Up Display (HUD) bolted on top of it in this month's release of Ubuntu 12.04, the Precise Pangolin. But that praise is not universal.

Microsoft's Linux Labors: A Signal of Defeat?
April 09, 2012
Such has been the joy in the Linux blogosphere over Red Hat's ascendance to the billion-dollar sphere that it's been difficult to imagine anything that could possibly top that excitement. But guess what? A new report from the Linux Foundation recently offered news that many consider equally momentous -- and potentially just as encouraging for FOSS.
Red Hat's Billion-Dollar Coup
April 05, 2012
We've all known for some time now that Red Hat would soon be FOSS's first arrival to the billion-dollar club, but somehow that advance knowledge didn't make the official news any less exciting. No indeed! So when the word broke late last week that that much-anticipated milestone had finally been achieved, cheers and fanfare could be heard throughout the land.

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